The custom of raising prices in January is over: AMLO

There were no increases to gasoline, diesel, goods, gas and electricity, the president presumed.

The custom of raising prices in January is over: AMLO
The custom of raising prices in January is over: AMLO

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the custom of raising input prices during the start of a replacement year was over, because "inflation was controlled."

On tour of Hidalgo, AMLO said that gasoline prices didn't increase, as their adversary said it might happen.

"We are fulfilling the commitments we made. We said that the worth of gasoline, diesel, gas and electricity wouldn't increase and that we fulfilled" AMLO. President

He also stated that no merchandise rose in price or supplies like gas and electricity.

"We are starting the year, what was the bad habit? That during this month of January, gasoline goes up. Everything that had to try to to with goods arrives. Now, inflation is controlled because there's no increase in gasoline or fuel diesel or gas or light then we'll continue all this year and every one the six years "AMLO. President


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